How to Enter:

1. Upvote this post.

2. Answer the poll.

3. Comment below answering the following questions:

-Having finally experienced onaholes or masturbators, do you think it has affected you positively or negatively? For example, positive because you are able to immerse yourself in the experience and learn more about your sexual habits and build endurance. Negative because you are spending more money and time on them that you should or whatever other reason comes to mind.

-Now that you own an onahole, how often do you use it vs. just using your hand? For example, if you masturbate 10 times a week, you'd use the onahole 8 out of the 10 times.

Let us know below!

$100 in Reward Point to 5 lucky winners.

5 winners will be randomly picked on 10/01/2021.

* One entry per person, any account spamming will result in disqualification.
** You must have a ToyDemon account in order to post in the community.

After experencing onaholes, do you think it's overall a net positive or negative for you?