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  1. July 2024 Giveaway #45 - Your favorite brand / manufacturer and why?

    Half of the year is officially over! Before we know it, it's Thanksgiving and Black Friday again!

    Before we get ahead of ourselves, let's get to this month's giveaway:


    How important is brand / manufacturer when you make your purchase? (5 = Most Important)

  2. Sandpaper Onaholes

    After some trial and error (I'm still relatively new to onaholes) I've discovered that I prefer harder firmness onaholes and I especially love the "sandpaper" texture. 2 of my top 3 current onaholes are

  3. Bigger guy first time with Onahole recomendations. Help me Senpai!

    Hey all. I'm 7.5 and 6.5 around. What are the top holes for guys that need some space? I don't need to bottom out to get off, but it is nice. I think I'd be into the uterus gimmick. My wifes cervix pokes

  4. Thick Girth for Onahole

    I have pretty thick girth around 6 inches. Is there a onahole that is for larger men?

  5. Storage and best lube choice

    Not necessarily in that order lol.

    - Years ago they had a lube type on the site, can't remember what it was called, but it was rather "stringy" and tacky. It worked really well. Anyone know