
Nickname: winkyblink
Contribution:  687
Member Since: 02/20/2018
Member Level: Platinum
Achievements:   Earned 100+ UpvotesEarned 100+ Upvotes Written 100+ ReviewsWritten 100+ Reviews Owns 100+ ProductsOwns 100+ Products Left 100+ CommentsLeft 100+ Comments
# of Orders: 46
# of Products: 106
# of Reviews: 102
# of Topics: 4
# of Comments: 128
Length (in.): 5.5
Girth (in.): 5
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  1. Ride Japan's New Virgin Loop Master Lotion

    So they have a new one, and looking at some of the translations, I can pick out that it boasts that it doesn't dry out, or at least not as much as their other lotion. Maybe if there is enough interest

    Would You Like To Try Ride Japan's Newest Lotion?

  2. TD: Who Responded to My Comments?

    I was browsing the site yesterday and complemented someone's review.
    I checked marked the "notify me of comments" box.
    I got an email that included: "Product Review: New comments were posted".

  3. Advice requested from experienced Paizuri users

    So I'm considering on getting my first Oppai toy and I'm wondering how you would warm them up (temperature-wise) before partying.

    I suppose that one way would be to submerge them in hot

  4. For Meiki no Syoumei 07 Sarah owners; Also NPG Poll that You ABSOLUTELY have to answer...

    So I've been enjoying this one for some 2 weeks now and I have to say that the box that it comes with is now my favorite: Sara is very easy on the eyes.

    So my question is: if you have purchased

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  1. WINK Slider 0.04

    Thin, much more flexible and sensitive than the other condoms on ToyDemon.

    These feel great! The experience is worth the extra money.

  2. Crown Okamoto

    They feel strong and low on the sensitivity side. For $6 don't expect these to be outstanding.

    The Okamoto WINK Sliders feel way so much better.


    Not great on the sensitivity scale.

  3. Vaginal Macaron Toro Toro Hard

    What motivated me to get this was the picture of the wavy interior textures, along with the firm finishing cervix-like cavity at the end of the tunnel. This turned out to be much better than I had imagined and hoped!

    Yes, this is (my first) a tripled layerd design: you have a hard external shell, then a firm, flexible lining that adds some resistance to the soft, wavy material that you make contact with. It's not really designed for long sessions but more for long edging. The entrance hole is on the tight side which contrasts the fluffy interior that follows it.

    I see several complaints about durability about this sleeve, but I'm not having any issues with it, perhaps because I use my Meiki Plush Hip or Doll for all of my sessions. I think the hands-free style feels so much better, and perhaps that when it comes to using your hand(s) with more complex designed sleeves like this one can be counter productive; the sleeve truly becomes a hand tool that winds up breaking.

    Cleaning takes takes more effort, especially drying; I would not use a drying stick here. You'll want to powder this one too.

    Great soft textures for edging fun.

    More effort to clean and dry.

  4. Virgin Loop The Master Lotion 400ml

    After trying out this lotion with most of the sleeves in my collection I would say that it comes pretty close to ToysHeart's Onatsuyu Pussy Juicy Lotion: it feels very similar in slipperyness, and thickness, but where Onatsuyu wins in comparison is in long sessions, where Virgin Loop Master starts to dry out, feeling less slippery. But we're talking long sessions here.

    It does appear to be the same lotion the is included with Ride Japan's sleeves and is thicker than their red-bottled lotion.

    A great go-to lotion and a bargain alternative to Onatsuyu.

  5. Bote Hida Quattronade

    This is the 3rd of Quattronade series from Ride Japan that I've tried.
    "Quattronade", or four tornados is a design where you will find the four rotini-pasta looking textures waiting for you at the entrance of the tunnel (somewhat like ToysHeart's Lusty Hot Springs 2). And this is made with their awesome Bungee Touch material, which is slightly less firmer than the material used in LHS2. It can be a fun challenge for me in edging, almost to perfection. It weighs more too. And it's under $30!

    Great textures with the right firmness. Easy to clean. A true bargain under $30.

    Similar design to ToysHeart's Lusty Hot Springs 2, but will not last as long; but LHS2 costs more.

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