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  1. Shipping to Canada

    Anyone with experience to Canada know what extra fees I should expect? Like Toy demon conveniently provides a shipping estimator which I appreciate greatly but the CBSA's website doesn't exactly have a

  2. Tariffs

    So any idea on how tariffs are going to effect the website? Like I already know I'm screwed being a Canadian and all but since most of this stuff comes from Asia will things go up more in price?

  3. Lubes with Ingredients on ToyDemon?

    Does anyone know of any lubes available on ToyDemon that list their ingredients? If not is there anyway to get this information from the manufacturers? I was having some minor irritation down there and

  4. Onahole Drying - Glove Dryer + Anal Douche (sortof)

    So I’ve been thinking about how annoying it is to clean and dry onaholes. The whole process can be a pain – it’s hard to get them fully dry, and if you don’t, mold and bacteria become an issue. Plus, t

  5. Lotions.. Lubes.. Whats your Fav? What to choose?

    I was bit taken back by the amount of lubes there was. I bought the "Ride Japan lotion 400ml" it has a ketchup bottle design that allows me to easily add lube into my toys, while the bottle is nice i'm