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  1. New meiki Plush evo model

    I got a question : Will there be a rework of the Meiki Plush evo anytime soon? Or better do you consider a rework?
    Like a bit larger with thicker and bigger legs,feet and poseable knees?

  2. Translation

    Personally I've wondered many times what the writing says in the pictures of the toys. Would be awesome if toydemon put like translated writing over it or something like that. Could be more information

  3. Ship to Canada

    Hi there

    I lived in Canada and I want to order a tomax's Venus Real Soft
    After review some posts I am kind of worry about the shippment now.
    So the only ship option now is

  4. Can someone tell me how does the delivery come when shipping to another country (France)

    Hi, I'm from France and I'm actually in a university campus. So when there is a delivery it's the secretary that store it.
    I would like to know how the package come and if I can choose it's size

  5. What's a good thin lube to use?

    I recently bought the IL PRIMO BACIO Sweet Lotion 220ml lube and I was under the impression that it was a thin lube, but I didn't think it felt that thin. Any recommendations on thin lube?