Loyalty Program

ToyDemon Loyalty Program

ToyDemon has been around since 2008 and we are still going strong. Honestly, we couldn't have done it without our loyal customers. To express our gratitude to our loyal customers we are launching a new Loyalty Program.

The program is simple and FREE! The registered customers are split into different levels of membership based on your purchase amount. Basically, the more you have purchased from ToyDemon.com, the higher level membership you will achieve and the better rewards you will receive.

Please see the below to see the breakdown of different membership levels:
(Please note that spending amounts are based on lifetime purchases on products in your account, shipping charges are not included)

Lvl: Action Discount Rewards Perk
Bronze Register 0% 3 Pts/$ N/A
Silver Complete 1 Order 2% 4 Pts/$ Double rewards to 8 Pts/$. Perk ends 02/28/2025.
Gold $500.00 Spent 3% 5 Pts/$ Double rewards to 10 Pts/$. Perk ends 02/28/2025.
Platinum $2,000.00 Spent 4% 6 Pts/$ Double rewards to 12 Pts/$. Perk ends 02/28/2025.
Demon $5,000.00 Spent 5% 8 Pts/$ Double rewards to 16 Pts/$. Perk ends 02/28/2025.
Silver & Up Write Review - 100 Pts Limited up to 4 Reviews/Day for max of 400 points.

In addition, we will start doing private sales to each member so that they have access to the sales early and not have to worry about the products running out!

Be sure to check back from time to time as the member benefits will change on a monthly basis!

*Only orders purchased on a registered account can be calculated, so please sign up now if you haven't already!

**ToyDemon reserves the right to remove member status or cancel the program if we find dishonest use or abuse.