Wondering what people do for storage of hips. The bags sold here are too small or too big for the dimensions I see for many hip products. Just store them back in the box maybe?
**ToyDemon** ( 10104 )
@bigsekret69420 We had a hip sized storage bag in our lineup but there wasn't much demand for it when it was available. Some have asked us to bring that size back and we are thinking about it. Not sure how many people are interested in a hip sized bag now.
Bluehunterx ( 283 )
Please do toy demon I buy all your bags and I would buy a bunch for the few hips I have
Please do toy demon I buy all your bags and I would buy a bunch for the few hips I have
baddragon69 ( 260 )
I personally bought a 25 dollar three drawer plastic dresser from walmart. I use that to store all my sex toys. Put a towel at the bottom of the drawer and put sex toys on top, wash the towel every now and then. Worthy investment.
I personally bought a 25 dollar three drawer plastic dresser from walmart. I use that to store all my sex toys. Put a towel at the bottom of the drawer and put sex toys on top, wash the towel every now and then. Worthy investment.
Greenwood95 ( 670 )
@bigsekret69420 I usually stored mine in the boxes they came in or the cardboard plain shipping box they arrived in. Though there's still oil leakage that will give the cardboard a wet look so best to have them stored wrapped in a lint free cloth or plastic sheet. Alternatives would be have a dedicated trunk, large lockbox or duffle bag. But unassuming shipping brown cardboard boxes worked for me even during a period I didn't live alone, those look so basic most people never snooped there but if you're worried about privacy then the lockbox, locked trunk option is best. One guy I know kept his sex toys in a cooler to hide them but I feel like that's inviting an incident if someone just wants to borrow it for camping without you there (again if you don't live alone).
bigsekret69420 ( 46 )
That makes sense. I actually found a similar bag on a completely unrelated product that I will be able to use. I would have bought a hip size bag from here if there was one available, but I understand if demand is not there
That makes sense. I actually found a similar bag on a completely unrelated product that I will be able to use. I would have bought a hip size bag from here if there was one available, but I understand if demand is not there