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  1. New meiki Plush evo model

    I got a question : Will there be a rework of the Meiki Plush evo anytime soon? Or better do you consider a rework?
    Like a bit larger with thicker and bigger legs,feet and poseable knees?

  2. Manufacturing and pricing: How & what

    I'm often curious how many of these products are made and how they come up with the pricing of these. Isn't anyone else? From idea to design to quality control (hopefully!) and finally the pricing (by

  3. Brand Link for NOTOWA? + Underrated Brands

    Does NOTOWA have enough products to have a link to all their products? It's the only brand I can see that doesn't have it.

    On a related note, after some digging on the site I believe that

  4. Jiraikei Jyoshi Panky Mesh page returns a 403 Forbiden error.

    Title has it all.

    Is this an advanced marketing strategy? Or did I end up personally banned? DooS Attack (Denial of onahole Service)?

  5. Question about phone numbers

    Good evening. First time buyer here.

    This probably isn't an issue but I wanted to be 100% sure.

    Since purchasing requires a phone number. I wanted to confirm that any texts/calls