Website Updates

This is where we will announce the website's technical features and updates to better improve your experience here at


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  1. Community Achievement is now live!

    By now, some of you should have received numerous reward points emails telling you that you have received additional points based on the achievements that your account has accomplished.


    Let us know what you think of the achievement system

  2. New Purchased Items List Feature Added (Updated with "Favorites" on 11/30/2023)

    When we first relaunched the site, some users indicated that they wish there's a better way for them to view their purchased items, rather than going through every order or trying to look for the green

  3. Bug Reports

    If you have any bugs, please comment below and let us know, we will do our best to fix it. Thanks!
    EDIT: Please state what browser and device (desktop / tablet / phone) that you're using so we can

  4. New Product Notification Feature Added

    As we continue to fix things, we are also continuing to add more features as well.

    We have just added a new Product Notifications feature:

  5. 15 Years of ToyDemon and the New ToyDemon Website [LONG]

    First of all, we would like to apologize for the down time. Originally we had planned to have down time of max 3 to 4 days. However, Murphy's Law just freaking sucks! Things that were fixed on our development

    Did you actually finish reading the whole post?