Slight update: We originally planned the achievement system will be ready, but we decided to add a couple more things to it at the end so definitely we should see it out sometime in April. Sorry for the wait and the inconvenience.
This month's giveaway will again have you guys fill out a form us, last time it was the TD Website Quiz which had a mixed result as a lot of ppl said it was way too hard.
This time there's no right or wrong answer. Just fill out the form and lets us know what kind of onaholes you prefer. This can help us make better purchasing decisions and bring more products to your preference.
How to Enter:
1. Have an avatar. (Build it within your Profile if you haven't already)
2. Have a public wish list of at least 8 items that does not have "Wish List" in its name. (Create relatable wish list title such as "Best Oral" for your wish list and categorize them accordingly and help out others)
Also if you haven't favorited any of your purchased products, help us out and select a few favorites if you have any! (This is not required to enter giveaway)
3. Upvote this topic, vote in the poll, andfill out the form TD Onahole Preference.
**Please note: You need to be logged in to access the form.**
You must do all 3 steps listed above to be eligible to win the giveaway.
-5,000 Reward Points to 10 lucky winners!
-Winners will be randomly picked on 04/30/2024
* One entry per person, any account spamming will result in disqualification.
** You must sign up for a ToyDemon account in order to post in the community.
This month's giveaway will again have you guys fill out a form us, last time it was the TD Website Quiz which had a mixed result as a lot of ppl said it was way too hard.
This time there's no right or wrong answer. Just fill out the form and lets us know what kind of onaholes you prefer. This can help us make better purchasing decisions and bring more products to your preference.
How to Enter:
1. Have an avatar. (Build it within your Profile if you haven't already)
2. Have a public wish list of at least 8 items that does not have "Wish List" in its name. (Create relatable wish list title such as "Best Oral" for your wish list and categorize them accordingly and help out others)
Also if you haven't favorited any of your purchased products, help us out and select a few favorites if you have any! (This is not required to enter giveaway)
3. Upvote this topic, vote in the poll, andfill out the form TD Onahole Preference.
**Please note: You need to be logged in to access the form.**
You must do all 3 steps listed above to be eligible to win the giveaway.
-5,000 Reward Points to 10 lucky winners!
-Winners will be randomly picked on 04/30/2024
* One entry per person, any account spamming will result in disqualification.
** You must sign up for a ToyDemon account in order to post in the community.
How do feel about doing doing quiz/forms for giveaway?
Related Products
WonderingFox ( 25 )
@**ToyDemon** Since people are active on here, what is your personal favorate onahole?
CptApplestrudl ( 55 )

I haven't found a good time to purchase an ona yet,(EU based) but the ones I am most interested in are the ZXY, Riho Fujimori, Fuwatoro and Venus Real...why do they all have to be so expensive?!
I haven't found a good time to purchase an ona yet,(EU based) but the ones I am most interested in are the ZXY, Riho Fujimori, Fuwatoro and Venus Real...why do they all have to be so expensive?!
bluguydood ( 61 )

@WonderingFox easily Sujiman Kupa Lolinco Virgo, i've found it to be the perfect combo of texture and tightness
Applw00d ( 94 )

@WonderingFox I know that it is pretty basic, but Mouth of Truth.
The sensations are lovely on their own; but between the teeth, palette, and tongue also getting in the way; the feeling that "this isn't the purpose of this part" adds an extra layer of pleasure to the experience.
The sensations are lovely on their own; but between the teeth, palette, and tongue also getting in the way; the feeling that "this isn't the purpose of this part" adds an extra layer of pleasure to the experience.
Doorknobslobber ( 101 )

@WonderingFox I'm not sure about an absolute favorite, but I like soft onaholes and the mashiros has a really nice soft bubbly texture and is fairly durable for its softness.
KhareemPai ( 87 )

@WonderingFox If nobody got me, I know the Taimanin Yukikaze Youen Miboujin onahole got me. Can I get an AMEN?
KuroNoRider ( 277 )

@Zeke I never thought I'd hear the hardness of busting a nut likened to the frustration that is the water temple... Lmao
tartsntwats ( 5 )
@Ineviolet I also started with the ZXY, and it's great! It did get very soft and mushy after a month or two. Now I'm trying Goku Tama Hida and La Bocca Della Verita!
WonderingFox ( 25 )
Thanks for the response people! I'll be sure to check out everything you all mentioned!
**ToyDemon** ( 10224 )

Congrats to the winners!
You should see the points added to your account shortly. Thanks to everyone that participated!
You should see the points added to your account shortly. Thanks to everyone that participated!
Drewbert ( 272 )

@**ToyDemon** What? I actually enjoy the added questions to the giveaways. Anyways anyone have any recommendations for toys?
KuroNoRider ( 277 )

@Drewbert I recently made a "wish list" for stuff I personally recommend. Feel free to check it on my profile. Maybe something new for you there.
Ineviolet ( 768 )

unhonestly, unpopular opinion,
but the small onahole that go for sub 20 dollars, I was using it, and it ripped on the other end after the first use, no big deal, it's cheap anyways, BUT I found out that it felt so much better than when it wasn't ripped. It's like an open onahole now and it's so much easier to clean....
but yeah.. lol
unhonestly, unpopular opinion,
but the small onahole that go for sub 20 dollars, I was using it, and it ripped on the other end after the first use, no big deal, it's cheap anyways, BUT I found out that it felt so much better than when it wasn't ripped. It's like an open onahole now and it's so much easier to clean....
but yeah.. lol
KhareemPai ( 87 )

@Drewbert I'll ride with the Taimanin Yukikaze Youen Miboujin hole 'til I die (or until get a gf, whichever comes first).
KuroNoRider ( 277 )

@**ToyDemon** I actually joined early for once. Looking forward to this new achievement system. Appreciate the opportunity for more feedback. I wanted to expand on one of my answers here. On question #7 (what matters most when deciding on an onahole...), I said "Packaging & Onahole Internal Texture". While this is true, and is a great way for something to catch your attention or for the internals to cause interest/curiosity... I may be in the minority here, but doubtful the only person who isn't also extremely turned off by certain marketing. I could be very interested in a toy itself, but completely disregard it because I don't like the art due to the characters looking as though they are meant to appear extremely young. It just icks me out, and honestly makes me avoid certain stuff. And I'm reluctant to buy from Magic Eyes at all, despite their popularity because they frequently use this "loli" type box art. I just don't wanna support that, and I'm not saying everyone who buys that stuff is doing it for the weird box art. But still. It matters to me, and does affect my purchasing decisions/habits. So I figured I'd share here. Good luck to everyone on the giveaway!
**ToyDemon** ( 10224 )

@KuroNoRider If packaging is something that bothers you (which I understand), you can request to have the packaging removed. But I can see how the intent behind its original packaging puts you off the product completely that you wouldn't even want to try it.
NSFWasp ( 64 )

@**ToyDemon** Happy April to all!
Also, for the preference form, one thing i forgot to add a piece of information in the last section about other places we shop for adult items at. I wanted to mention that I occasionally pick up lube in big box stores in person. Just some KY on occasion to mix it up cause most of the lubes I've found here on ToyDemon appear to be thicker. They're nice, but not always what I'm looking for.
Also, for the preference form, one thing i forgot to add a piece of information in the last section about other places we shop for adult items at. I wanted to mention that I occasionally pick up lube in big box stores in person. Just some KY on occasion to mix it up cause most of the lubes I've found here on ToyDemon appear to be thicker. They're nice, but not always what I'm looking for.
Zeke ( 306 )

@**ToyDemon** I need to make up for that one time i actually WON the $100 worth of points... but did not get it due to some confusion about the wish list at the time.
: (
: (
Loquacious ( 153 )

@**ToyDemon** Commenting isn't required for an entry, then?
SaltySaint ( 54 )
@**ToyDemon** Quite like answering form while seeing other's feedbacks.
KhareemPai ( 87 )

@**ToyDemon** 10 people getting selected means I'll have a higher chance to win, right?
TurtleKing ( 245 )

@**ToyDemon** 10 places? Here's hoping, good luck all!
RedcapTheif ( 92 )

@**ToyDemon** Love all the new things you guys are trying! Especially excited to see how the achievement system ends up being like!
SpringAutumn ( 117 )

I'm excited for the achievement system.
I'm excited for the achievement system.
Conqurepandaa ( 5 )
@**ToyDemon** I feel like the giveaways are good cause they're mostly easy to enter and plus who doesn't want some free stuff? Personally I would love to win a giveaway and get my first onahole cause I would LOVE to own one.
Wawawawa0 ( 131 )

@**ToyDemon** I liked this questionarre, but the month that had a quiz was the only monthly give-away I've skipped. I vaguely knew the answers but was annoyed with how much time it took to look up the exact answers. Sure it wouldn't have taken that long, but I was a little put-off by the fact that I was taking a quiz for an online store. If the quiz had all the answers available within the quiz and did not require me to click around the website, I might have been okay with it.
bluguydood ( 61 )

@**ToyDemon** i never know what to say and just wish it was a click to enter. or maybe even an auto enter once you hit a certain member level
CptApplestrudl ( 55 )

For what you could do better...a shop based in Europe would be swell.
For what you could do better...a shop based in Europe would be swell.
TrashGarbageBoi ( 35 )

@**ToyDemon** You guys rock. Hope I win the give away and I hope the achievements come soon~