Does NOTOWA have enough products to have a link to all their products? It's the only brand I can see that doesn't have it.

On a related note, after some digging on the site I believe that NOTOWA and Maccos Japan are both underrated brands. Despite the relatively small amount of products and little reviews, the reviews they do have seem to be quite positive. In some cases the products are sold out or are very close to it. In addition, their box art is unique and interesting compared to other brands. Their prices are mid to high-range ($40-NPG), with Maccos having more expensive hip products. Here are the highest reviewed/most popular items under $100:

Maccos Japan:
Naked Sanctuary ($39)
Full Swing ($39)
Road of Uterus ($55)
Obscene Suggestion Nostalgic Onahole ($80). This one is really a mini-hip
- The most interesting thing about this brand is that multiple toys are quite hefty, around the same as NPG toys to equalling the Puni Virgin 1000s, but for less. Try this brand out if you like heft but not a hefty price.

Adolescent Innocent ($50)
Tokyo Immoral ($50)
Puberty Carnival ($53)
Vagina of Pure Vermillion ($80). 950g, almost the same weight as the Puni Virgin 1000
- This brand's products all fit on one page (9 in total) but despite the online traffic disadvantage of not having a brand link, one of their products is currently sold out with only 3 reviews. Try this brand if you want a soft, durable toy for less money but isn't any less quality than something more expensive.

(Note: recommendations based on summation of reviews, as I haven't owned any of these)