Howdy y'all!
I started a similar topic a few months ago, but I figured I'd ask again. What products are you excited about? What specifically have you loaded in the cart and are waiting to pull the trigger on.
Personally I've been staring at that Kurouto Hole Hip HD in the flash sale. Looks like the perfect size to not worry about storing while still having something substantial. That Cool Beauty Mermaid Hip that just dropped looks great as well. I can't justify paying that one right now but it looks perfect for someone who wants a doll but doesn't want to worry about hiding a body in the closet.
I started a similar topic a few months ago, but I figured I'd ask again. What products are you excited about? What specifically have you loaded in the cart and are waiting to pull the trigger on.
Personally I've been staring at that Kurouto Hole Hip HD in the flash sale. Looks like the perfect size to not worry about storing while still having something substantial. That Cool Beauty Mermaid Hip that just dropped looks great as well. I can't justify paying that one right now but it looks perfect for someone who wants a doll but doesn't want to worry about hiding a body in the closet.
Zeke ( 306 )

@Tittielover134 I recently bought a titty toy i had my eye on for a bit, from another site. they... they are huge and i don't know what I'm getting myself into to... but i bought them. They should be here sometime next month, they are 25lbs monster tits... mother of god, what have i done? XD
Zeke ( 306 )

@Tittielover134 with a name like that, i guess you would be interested lol! JelloJiggles Tiddies 25LB. Just google that and you should find them. They normally go for like $650, but they are on sale for $370. I paid $332 after coupon code and tax. Let me know what you think!
KhareemPai ( 87 )

@Tittielover134 I had my eyes on the Taimanin Yukikaze Rinko hole for a while now. I'm a huge Taimanin fan and I have two of other toys from the game Rinko is in, so I'm looking for a sale or to win the giveaway (because I don't like spending money LMAO) to bite the bullet and finally complete the collection.
KhareemPai ( 87 )

@Tittielover134 At this point, I just participate in the giveaways because they're like a monthly routine. Spend, like, 5 minutes doing what I need to do and hope that I win big. I'm also fine with waiting cause I'm not in a rush to get a new onahole.
Zeke ( 306 )

@Tittielover134 The Magic Face 2, since i can't get the magic face 3/custom. I could use another really good blowjob toy.
Ok929 ( 198 )

@Tittielover134 I'm eyeing the Magic Face 2 right now, I'd like to see how it can recreate the feeling of holding the head of someone and going at it.
Deleted ( 0 )
@Tittielover134 meiki plush evo
Wawawawa0 ( 131 )

@JonesyJames Ya I'm eyeing that too. I've got the NUI doll which is like a nice human-shaped pillow. But its soft and floppy so it doesnt quite hold positions when actually screwing. The meiki plush evo is stiffer and meant to hold positions instead of being a wet noodle