I'm in the market for a hip. I read a great review by Greenwood95 on the NPG Extreme Pleasure Hip, and he mentioned that he was going to foray into some other hips as well. I wanted to read all of his reviews on hips, so I went onto his user profile. I see posts he's made, but I can't seem to find reviews anywhere.
So either I missed it, or this feature isn't on the site yet. Plz add, thx
So either I missed it, or this feature isn't on the site yet. Plz add, thx
Greenwood95 ( 680 )

@Lars Glad my review was helpful on the EPH G3. My older reviews for the larger/big Half Hera Hip by Kokostoys is still up as is my EPH G1 review (though that item may be discontinued). I also just added a review on the Akarri's Buttocks and I'll be putting up a review soon on the KMP Mega Kore MesuDeshi Big Ass I recently acquired. I'll do a comparison of EPH 3, Akarri and Mesudeshi as well though that might just have to be a community post. I had been considering the KMP Minami Sensational Huge Ass, the KMP Maga Kore I Kaho Ass and the Eimi Fukada Franzy Innocent Ass but I'll explain why I ultimately ruled those out as well.
Greenwood95 ( 680 )

@Lars FWIW I just posted my review of the KMP Maga Kore Mesudachi Ass which includes my choices for various categories one would buy an ass for (size, softness, sexiness, stimulation etc). I might do a broader post about this for the community later too.
Lars ( 248 )

@Greenwood95 Hey, thanks for the heads up. I ended up buying both the EPH G3 and Akari's Buttocks. In my opinion, the Akari is vastly superior in tunnel stimulation and the lifelike size, and I should have just purchased that one only.
I think your comments on the locked doggy flat hip vs. 3d hip in your MesuDeshi review are spot-on and I wish I had really comprehended this before I dropped 300 on the EPH G3, lol. I really only use the EPH now where I muscle the toy around, rather than myself, either cowgirl or "doggy" while I sit on the edge of my bed. That gives a nice experience you can't get with sleeves, but not really worth the price tag to me.
I don't know how much exposure you'll really get, but a detailed community post on hips would be a great resource in general. Cheers.
I think your comments on the locked doggy flat hip vs. 3d hip in your MesuDeshi review are spot-on and I wish I had really comprehended this before I dropped 300 on the EPH G3, lol. I really only use the EPH now where I muscle the toy around, rather than myself, either cowgirl or "doggy" while I sit on the edge of my bed. That gives a nice experience you can't get with sleeves, but not really worth the price tag to me.
I don't know how much exposure you'll really get, but a detailed community post on hips would be a great resource in general. Cheers.
**ToyDemon** ( 10224 )

@Lars Thank you for the suggestion. It's actually something we are working on, hopefully it'll be available in the next month or so. We will announce it once it's ready.
**ToyDemon** ( 10224 )

@Lars We have made that change today so that you can read all of a user's review by simply clicking on his name. We noticed that there's a bug within sorting the reviews and are working on fixing it, however, you should still be able to view their reviews without issues.