
Nickname: GentleSalmon2
Contribution:  77
Member Since: 12/19/2022
Member Level: Silver
Achievements:   Earned 25+ UpvotesEarned 25+ Upvotes Left 25+ CommentsLeft 25+ Comments
# of Reviews: 1
# of Topics: 2
# of Comments: 25
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  1. Difference from over lubing your toy vs the minimum amount?

    Have you ever enjoyed over lubing your onahole for fun? How was the sensation vs the minimum amount?

    I understand over lubing can be a waste of lube but dang it made my toy feel way more realistic

  2. My first ever soft toy experience, Lilith Uterus Soft Tomax

    I just bought the Lilith Uterus Soft.
    I have to say this is my now new top 2 of all time!
    All these years and I had no clue this type of product exist!

    I usually use ZXY and hardly

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  1. Meiki no Syoumei 05 Zhang Xiao Yu

    The zxy felt so good, the skin is so realistic.
    the amount is so worth it. its hard to edge on this because of how sensitive i was.
    the only thing i didn't like was the bulky build. you have to use 2 hands to get the full feeling.

    too bulky

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