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  1. What makes you choose ToyDemon over other competitors?

    I'm just curious as to what makes you choose ToyDemon over other sites.
    ToyDemon is my Go-to site, I use them over other sites due to the nice easy to navigate design, free shipping on orders $35+

  2. Additional Info Edit

    I was hoping there was a way to edit the additional info (maybe before the order has been processed will be it editable).

    I accidentally wrote discrete packaging instead of discreet packaging.

  3. is BTS sale still going on

    I just found out the sale ended 8/25. The sale was just very short (8/23 to 8/25). Sorry for the confusion.

  4. Stuck loading at checkout *FIXED*

    Trying to order but once I hit "proceed to checkout" the checkout screen just gets stuck on the loading wheel. Tried re-logging and refreshing the page but nothings working.

    Update: Guess

  5. Hips need their own section same for oppai toys

    A hip is not a torso just like it’s not a doll. Some hips may have one hole like a sleeve but most don’t. Most hips have two holes and are often 2+ pounds and take both hands to use or are hands free. It’