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  1. How do I favorite a product?

    UPDATE: I figured it out. If you go to Purchased Items and look to the right, there will be a check box next to every item. It's much easier to find on PC than mobile.

  2. Onahole Poll Devil Sairin mislabeled?

    I see that one of the new onahole poll items is listed as "A-One". Is this a mistake and meant to say "Ride Japan"? I have the original toy and that's a ride japan one. And I see ride Japan on the product

  3. Giant restock delay.

    Curious why nothing was restocked on 4/12 as was advertised? Suddenly the restock was pushed back nearly two months into june. Is this just a site error?

  4. Brand Link for NOTOWA? + Underrated Brands

    Does NOTOWA have enough products to have a link to all their products? It's the only brand I can see that doesn't have it.

    On a related note, after some digging on the site I believe that

  5. Jiraikei Jyoshi Panky Mesh page returns a 403 Forbiden error.

    Title has it all.

    Is this an advanced marketing strategy? Or did I end up personally banned? DooS Attack (Denial of onahole Service)?