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  1. Is it possible to get a custom made? And questions on the current standard?

    Hi all!

    So several years ago I had a Meiki ZXY and I think a YJY, and Maria Ozawa. They were fun, but I moved a few times and they eventually got worn down and raggedy so I discarded them.

  2. My first ever soft toy experience, Lilith Uterus Soft Tomax

    I just bought the Lilith Uterus Soft.
    I have to say this is my now new top 2 of all time!
    All these years and I had no clue this type of product exist!

    I usually use ZXY and hardly

  3. Any onaholes that DON'T require powdering?

    Hi all, just wondering with some of the three-layer and "next generation artificial skin" onaholes whether or not there are any that don't require regular powdering for maintenance

  4. What toys have you got your eye on?

    Howdy y'all!

    I started a similar topic a few months ago, but I figured I'd ask again. What products are you excited about? What specifically have you loaded in the cart and are waiting to

  5. Help Me Pick My Next Toy (Poll)

    Two new powerhouses just dropped and I'm struggling to choose.

    Eiyo no Meiki Arina Hashimoto

    Kanjuku Meiki Beautiful Wife JULIA