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  1. For those who want to go quiet, silent, less noise. (Roommates, family)

    I figure if anyone else is living with others, they might be interested in choices that don't sound like wet and saucy pasta with poprock's popping @ 1am.

    My quietest stealth session includes

  2. Are Toys Finally Simulations of the Real Thing?

    Spitballing a little bit here at the risk of sounding like a major coomer, but it's been debated whether masturbation is a better experience than sex. The convenience and allowed self-absorption are good

  3. XYZ Hybrid Lube

    Is it okay to use a hybrid Lube with water and silicone for the XYZ onahole? Says to use only water base but if you search on the internet people say it's okay if you also use a hybrid Lube with sex toys

  4. Most disappointing purchase?

    Woke up and thought we need some more negativity.

    What purchase has disappointed you the most?

    Meiki no Syoumei Zero Minami Aizawa looked great, then I got it and it felt

  5. New King of realistic!!!! - Shin Meiki no Syoumei 004 Fujimori Riho - IMHO its a 10/10

    I just wanted to share my personal feelings for anyone looking for realism the way I have been. Also the reviews currently don't reflect just how good this is if realism is your goal.