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  1. USB Warmer or Hot Water?

    I'm thinking of picking up the USB Warmer, and although I've heard good things about it, I've also heard mixed things (heat doesn't last very long, it takes a while for it to start heating, etc.) and that

  2. Is there another magic eyes ona that has the same blend as Mochiyuki Shiko Hida?

    I fell in love with how soft and squishy Mochiyuki Shiko Hida is and after the disappointing experience of the standard lolinco I wondered if the premium soft version of the virgo used the same tpe blend

  3. What toys have you got your eye on?

    Howdy y'all!

    I started a similar topic a few months ago, but I figured I'd ask again. What products are you excited about? What specifically have you loaded in the cart and are waiting to

  4. Julia Onaholes

    I was wondering if anyone has tried any of the Julia onaholes. I have the Julia+ and so far I am enjoying it and I was curious as to how the other onaholes hold up if anyone has tried them.

  5. Is Atypical Packaging A Red Flag?

    has anyone received a product with poorly sealed packaging before? I've ordered a lot of toys before and they were always packaged excellently

    despite the box being sealed inside a plastic,