For those unfamiliar X-Lube comes to you as a dry powder and you then take the powder and create the lube of your preference. You can make it nearly water thin or so thick it's crazy and almost anything

I tried to find info to avoid posting but I didn't see anything announced. Previous years offered mixed data as one year there appeared to have been one and others maybe not. Not a criticism just trying
This is primarily for @**TD** staff but I thought someone else might want this answered at some point so here goes. Magic Eyes has items that seem to still be in production but that you've stopped carrying.
So I had a couple of nearly empty bottles of varying lube, half a dozen+ different sample packs from toy purchases from various manufactures, and naturally I decided "why not just put them all in a bottle,
One of the things I always looked for previously was "how much does it weigh". In the past you guys had the weight listed in the "details" section which was perfect to me. However, it seems you've stopped
- Puni Virgin Excite Next Gen Artificial SkinRating
This is the first toy I've ever felt like I have a legitimate claim to have it replaced. I've bought a dozen or so GP toys and loved them all until now. There have been some that weren't very durable but nothing like this. I don't know if mine was defective or what but on the second use after I got done cleaning I noticed it felt heavy so I started feeling around and there is a tear inside and it now holds water between the outer shell and inner material. Why would you have a void space that can be punctured into on this toy? It's to the side of the end chamber. I can't even fathom how it happened. I'm as average as average can be and the outer shell is firm. IMO to tear through that I should/would have had to push the whole thing down so hard it would have broken my dong and wouldn't even remotely be possible to do. If the material isn't complete enough to guide you into the right portion at the end then something is wrong. I've bought things and they turned out to be less than I had hoped for but this is the first time I've had one be useless after two uses.
Can't really say as I only used it twice. It felt nice but most toys do.
Insides tear and leave void spaces that hold water after cleaning.
- Mochi Musume Rich 8 SpiralRating
I might label myself a sex toy snob as after my first purchase I quickly realized that cheap isn't necessarily a good I routinely stop scrolling when I get to about the $25 range (I sort by price high to low). I picked this up on a whim because 1) I needed a few dollars to avoid shipping fees and 2) Magic Eyes has never let me down when it comes to sensation. So this $15ish dollar toy shows up and I don't expect a whole lot. It got thrown in the back of the drawer and stayed there almost 2 months. What a mistake!
I've had toys that range from the rubbery Cherry 2 hip to some GProject stuff that's like fucking a marshmallow. I would say this falls just to the softer side of a medium firmness. So though there is no heft to this it still feels like other beefier options. The opening is a bit tight and larger guys might struggle with this toy period but if you're above average you'll rip the shit out of it probably but like all ME products it still works fine. The inner texture is unlike anything else I've used, it has for lack of a better word a "gritty" feel to the spirals. Gritty? You say in confusion.... yeah, but strangely it works. You can use light lube if you want something really intense or you can thicken it up and just catch hints of the spiral moving along up and down your shaft. It has a bit more suction than I expected too.
I don't care about it being clear really... it's novel to see your schlong doing it's work but that wears out quickly. Is this toy the most amazing ever? Well no. It's $15ish dollars and still feels great though. My biggest complaint is the smell. It's almost like an old kerosene heater that is empty but has that stuck to it forever. It's not crazy strong but it does have a distinct smell that I haven't had from another toy.Cheap, feels good, durable for a Magic Eyes product, you don't have to buy it dinner
For a $15ish toy really none....But if you force me to list some- It's going to tear (especially if you are large) and it smells a little. Oh, and it can't get up and make you a sammich when you're done.
- Kunoichi Puni Shuriken Virgin SoftRating
I feel like there should be way more reviews on this. For those that like soft toys this is great. I've converted to using toys that are almost all about 400g or less because they fit in the A10 Piston Basic. One of the few advantages of being slightly below average in size as you larger guys probably would struggle to make that work. G Project makes quite a few sleeves that work for me in this way and I've tried a handful of other brands and hands down this is by far my favorite. It's soft but paired with the A10 the only issue is wondering if I'm going to be left a drooling vegetable for about 10 mins after it finishes me off. While I give it 5 stars I do have two complaints that revolve around the same issue. It's just a REALLY soft and malleable material and if you're like me you couple these toys with heat before use. So two things end up happening 1) If you get it anywhere near a human body temp, over time it is going to stretch and deform to a point it isn't feasible to use if you use it repeatedly. and 2) Once it starts to stretch out it begins to tear at the opening. Now keep in mind I'm pairing the softest toy I know of with a mechanical device that slams it onto your prick repeatedly. It doesn't take Mrs. Cleo to figure out this is probably not fantastic for the toy. So I don't discount my review for something I'm doing. There are of course toys that work and don't melt. But THIS toy is the one that turns the dial all the way past 11 so THIS toy is the one I keep buying.
Soft, Compact, the experience sort of changes over time as the toy does change shape pretty easily etc. but it's generally in a good way. Surprisingly it is fairly easy to clean given how many crevices there are.
I had been a die hard Magic Eyes fan (still am to some degree) and no matter how long I left them with the warming stick or a heating pad on/around them they never deformed or melted. With the exception of Puni Virgin Real ALL of the other 6 variants from G Project I own suffered once heat was applied sufficiently to warm the toy to something approximating human body temp. Obviously you can find ways to deal with some of this and micromanage your warming but I get distracted and have inevitably ruined a few toys. I guess my long winded rambling point is be careful heating any of these G Project toys but damned are some of them fantastic!
- Alchemist's Atelier OnaholeRating
Having purchased cow girl and having been really pleased with it I thought I would try more from this manufacturer. While they may have other fabulous toys this one just is not it. Unless you just like hard toys or have never experienced other good options I can't fathom buying this over so many other options. Obviously it can get the job done. It's not a terrible sensation but after 2 uses I'll likely never use it again as it doesn't simulate any experience I've ever had that I'd want repeated regularly.
Tight. Provides a lot of stimulation. Likely durable given the material. I don't care about presentation but the box is nice if you like that sort of thing.
Hard. Just not for me. Maybe it's for you though....
- A10 PISTON SA Inner Sleeve SUCKER βRating
Who doesn't love having their knob gobbled? This is the sleeve to simulate that best and it's among the more snug options of the sleeves. All around probably my favorite and I own all but "plain".
It's a blow job without any drama or additional money spent. I dunno how else to sell it to you.
You do have to turn it sideways to hit all the best bits but you don't have to cuddle with it and talk about the future when you're done so even trade off in my book.
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