
Nickname: ErosDesu
Contribution:  28
Member Since: 06/21/2021
Member Level: Gold
# of Reviews: 2
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 7
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  1. Some site suggestions for community achievements

    Since there are some new community achievements I thought some site changes would also help the use of the community section of ToyDemon

    1. Clicking the discuss on the top bar should open

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  1. Pure Bride Idealism

    Depending on how much you can get the Pure Bride Idealism for, it can really be an amazing or terrible purchase.

    For anyone that hasn't used a torso before, it's definitely a gamechanger given that you can feel their weight, cuddle, and use them hands free and the PBI is no different.

    Depending on how you see it the 'features' of the PBI can be a Pro or a Con so judge for yourself

    Size is smaller than expected since dimensions includes the neck - which is about an inch or two. Definitely more 'loli'
    Ex. Compared to the Real Body Kanon, it's nearly the same height but feels lot smaller given the slimmer body on the PBI.

    Weight is nearly half of similar torso's but definitely weighty enough. I still on the fence about whether I prefer heavier or as is.

    Breasts are obviously too small for a full paizuri but are nice to the touch and a bit on the firmer side.

    Hole is tight and stimulating, nothing too extreme but still very nice. I feel like there could have been more done given the 'gimmics' or 'features' advertised on other magic eyes products while the PBI is mostly just 'torso' + 'onahole'. Could also have used a second anal hole with a different gimmic tbh.
    I haven't tried out other magic eyes ona's like the lolinco virgo so can't make a comparison there, but I do prefer the PBI or Torso's in general compared to the ZXY for reference.

    The selling point in torso's is definitely the package experience of weight + body contact + hole which makes the PBI a solid 5/5 for me.

    For first-timers with torso's, just consider if you're satisfied with regular ona's or are looking to experience something new.

    For everyone else, another good torso but again, depends on if you're paying closer to $200 or $300...

    All in all a great torso but the main issue is the fact that you can purchase around 4-6 great ona's for the same price without knowing if this'll be that perfect hole.

    Update: 06/12/2023

    Depending on how much you can get the Pure Bride Idealism for, it can really be an amazing or terrible purchase.

    For anyone that hasn't used a torso before, it's definitely a gamechanger given that you can feel their weight, cuddle, and use them hands free and the PBI is no different.

    Size is smaller than expected since dimensions includes the neck

    Weight is nearly half of similar torso's but definitely weighty enough.

    Breasts are obviously too small for a full paizuri but are nice to the touch and a bit on the firmer side.

    Hole is tight and stimulating, nothing too extreme but still very nice. I feel like there could have been more done given the 'gimmics' or 'features' advertised on other magic eyes products while the PBI is mostly just 'torso' + 'onahole'. Could also have used a second anal hole with a different gimmic tbh.
    I haven't tried out other magic eyes ona's like the lolinco virgo so can't make a comparison there, but I do prefer the PBI or Torso's in general compared to the ZXY for reference.

    For first-timers with torso's, just consider if you're satisfied with regular ona's or are looking to experience something new.

    For everyone else, another good torso but again, depends on if you're paying closer to $200 or $300...

    All in all a great torso but the main issue is the fact that you can purchase around 4-6 great ona's for the same price without knowing if this'll be that perfect hole.

    Tight, slim, decent weight, overall nice.
    Single hole convenient for cleaning

    Pro's (size, weight, hole count) can be con's, depends what you're looking for & preference

  2. Gokusai Uterus

    The textures of the wall are nice and stimulating but the uterus itself feels fairly gimmicky compared to other toys. Contrary to other reviews, I actually found it quite durable and am able to flip it inside out without breaking it, both for use and cleaning.

    Overall, a decent experience for the price but it is definitely underwhelming.

    Decent walls
    Quite durable

    Mostly underwhelming

Hopefully Testing Soon - 18 items

Hidden Gems? - 14 items

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