So they have a new one, and looking at some of the translations, I can pick out that it boasts that it doesn't dry out, or at least not as much as their other lotion. Maybe if there is enough interest then ToyDemon can get it for us?
The party's not over, fellows!
Getting more more votes than some other products in polls (how 'bout that "Dohna Dohna Let's Do Bad Things Together" run, huh?).
A lotion from an onahole leader company can't let you down!
@winkyblink You somehow managed to have my 3 favorite onahole related words in one title. "Ride Japan" and "New". I am always up for new Ride Japan stuff, it's an absolute yes from me!
So in comparing the pictures that ToyDemon provided for us with the pictures for the (red bottle) Ride Japan Lotion it sorta looks like this new one might be thinner.
@winkyblink It seems promising. I wonder if it's worthwhile for TD to get ahold of if though, since it would have to come via sea if I'm not mistaken. I'm honestly more interested in when Tomax products will be back than anything new, but I'll have to keep an eye on this, getting it from a Japan based seller would be a pain.