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  1. Media Company Wanting To Work With ToyDemon -> New Larger Meiki Dolls + Different Colors ++++++

    Presenting the idea of a larger Meiki Doll with a bigger butt and chest. I run a media company(new) full time and would love to present this idea and see if we could gather enough of a following to bring

  2. Meiki EVO Plush socket broke, what should I do?


    I recently just ordered and received the Meiki EVO plush, and I've been really enjoying it so far. But today, as I was using it, the leg joint popped out of the socket. As far as

  3. Custom orders/ products not listed

    So I saw the news about them stopping product requests a couple years ago, but have they resumed that service?

  4. hips vs onaholes

    I've been thinking about it lately... which do you prefer and why?

    I find onaholes to be better… hips are a lot harder to handle and clean, but do feel great though…

  5. 2 Day Shipping?

    Is it normal for ToyDemon to charge almost $16 for 2 day shipping of 1 small item then ship via UPS Ground cross country? The reason I'm asking is it's now day 3 and the only tracking information I can