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  1. Who uses the Compare function?

    I personally just found out about this. It's between the 'wish list' and 'reviews' buttons on product pages so I always ignored it, but it has completely changed my order process.

    You click

  2. Looking for Hip Recommendations

    So after trying 7 or so different onaholes and the Meiki Plush Hip, I'd like to experience a hip that is more realistic(?) than using the Meiki Plush Hip. I'd like for it to be bouncy and allow me to hear

  3. Looking for first time purchasing advice.

    Im a pretty above average guy(Length and width), and im a big fan of "bottoming out." Doing some quick self measurements, most of the toys I have my eye on, im scared ill just break. Should I resign myself

  4. Where do I start with Hon-Mono?

    This question is probably only for the hardcore G Project fans but I'm hopeful for any input.

    There's 11 different products with the hon-mono gimmick with pretty nondescript names. Which

  5. What's the Most Realistic Anal Onahole? + My Experiences

    What's the most realistic anal toy? I have not experienced the real deal and my current partner does not want to experience it (completely understandable). From the reddit posts I've browsed, there is