
Nickname: Blazeblue
Contribution:  711
Member Since: 10/18/2018
Member Level: Demon
Achievements:   Earned 100+ UpvotesEarned 100+ Upvotes Written 100+ ReviewsWritten 100+ Reviews Owns 100+ ProductsOwns 100+ Products
# of Orders: 110
# of Products: 229
# of Reviews: 149
# of Topics: 2
# of Comments: 15
Circumcised:  Yes
Length (in.): 6
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  1. Translation

    Personally I've wondered many times what the writing says in the pictures of the toys. Would be awesome if toydemon put like translated writing over it or something like that. Could be more information

  2. New description of firmness in details

    I've noticed on some Japanese onahole websites that a description of the firmness of an onahole is provided in the details and there have been times that such a thing would've really come in handy for

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  1. Realism Crunch

    Not a top of the line toy but was nice. Could feel the interior decently. Took a little time but I finished. soft outside, firmer inside. Good buy on flash sale

    Gets it done

    Could be firmer imo

  2. Lazy Sex The Hole

    This was so soft I couldn't feel anything. Tried for a few minutes before switching toys. I threw this away as it's useless for me.

    No advantages for me

    All the disadvantages in my experience

  3. Level Ninety-Nine Natural

    It did its job, didn't feel much of the internals, even with all the air squeezed out before using. Too soft for me but I'll keep for occasional use as it did get me to finish.

    It works

    Too soft

  4. Shinjin Wa Mikaihatsu Meiki

    Average at best. Just enough to get the job done with a bit if time. Will keep at the bottom of the pile. Not near enough stimulation imo.

  5. Mousou Dotto Come

    Tried for at least 20 minutes with nothing. Threw it away and finished with another. Way too soft, barely felt anything.

    None for me

    Useless for me

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