When we first relaunched the site, some users indicated that they wish there's a better way for them to view their purchased items, rather than going through every order or trying to look for the green checkmark icon on the product thumbnails. And it makes sense, why is it so hard to keep track of what you have purchased?
So we added this new feature "Purchased Items" into your account dashboard. You can access it directly from the Member menu drop-down and it looks like this:
So the picture is pretty self-explanatory. Once you are viewing your "Purchased Items" list, you can click on each header to sort. So you can easily see when you last purchased it, and also be able to see what items have been reviewed or not.
It's simple, but we hope you guys find it useful. Please give us your feedback or comments below, thanks!
**UPDATE 11/30/2023**
We have added a new "FAVORITES" feature that you can access it by going to the Account Menu -> Purchased Items and on that page, you will see a new column called "Favorites".
You can select up to 20 "Favorites" from all your purchased items. The "Favorites" count will show up on the product page under the reviews count so that it adds another metric to recommend products to others. It will also display another "Favorites" tab under you community profile so that users that like your reviews/taste can also check out other "Favorites" of yours!
@**ToyDemon** Would it be possible for the following options to be added in?
1) Adding items to your favorites that were not purchased through ToyDemon? Especially since I purchased some items on the site before I registered an account.
2) Add items directly on the onahole's own page rather than through the purchased item page?
3) Add a way to view one's profile as others would see it?
4) Possibly add a short blurb for each favorited item, even if it were something like 100 characters or less?
@PlasticMan Thanks for the feedback, I'll try my best to answer them.
1) Sorry but this is not possible. We decided on the system through purchases as that is the only way we can fully verify that the user does have the product and share the opinion that we know are definitely real (to a certain point). Also because we give 100 reward points for reviews, we have to tie everything to a user's account and their purchases.
2) This is more of a design choice, as we want to keep everything in your purchased item page so it's easily for user just to look at what they have purchased and easily favorite them. Being on the product page would require you to first go to your purchased item list to see what you have purchased, and then go to the product page to favorite them. And it's kinda tied back to 1). If you don't own it (in our view), then you shouldn't favorite it.
3) We are not quite sure what you mean. If you click on your own avatar or nickname in the community OR go to the top of the page"Chat" icon which has a dropdown and go to "My Profile" and you'll get taken to your profile page and basically get the same profile as others would see it.
Only difference is that you will see additional account settings and info that only you can see and configure that others cannot see.
4) Right now there's no plan for that. We want the favorite feature to be quick and easy for everyone. We are not sure if you're familiar with our public wish list feature, but in the future we can possibly build "Favorites" into an automated "Favorites" public wish list.
With In our wish list you can add a short blurb for others to see. Take for example the wish list I have under our ToyDemon account: https://www.toydemon.com/pwishlist/user/view/**ToyDemon**/78652
@**ToyDemon** Thank you for your response. For the first point, it's unfortunate, but understandable. This feature may otherwise be used to spam and advertise certain onaholes. Some of my favorite onaholes however are discontinued, and it's unfortunate that it will no longer be possible for me to add them to my favorites tab.
For the second point, I can only speak on my perspective as a user of the site, but when I first saw that we could add favorites to our profile, my first instinct was to directly search for my favorite onahole to add them. I had to specifically Google and search how to add my favorites when I saw that I could not do that.
For the third point, thank you for pointing out how to reach this page. As a user, my first instinct to view my profile as others see it was to check the Account icon (or whatever the icon is called immediately to the right of the Chat icon) because I knew that there was a link titled "ToyDemon Profile" under "Account Settings." When there was no way to view my profile through there, I assumed that the feature was not implemented yet. I think I can now see that the link to view my profile is under the Chat icon because it is how other users in the community would view my profile, but my first instinct is that to view my profile I would look through my account.