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  1. Feature Request: Wish List Sorting Options

    I imagine this is something that the TD team has already looked into, but I wanted to directly ask about wish list sorting options. With the direction the community aspects are going and the 8 product

  2. What's Your Dream Bundle?

    The bundle feature mentioned in the monthly giveaway post now appears on the site, and to be honest it exceeds my expectations. In particular, that intermediate bundle has some heavy-hitters for what I

    General thoughts on the bundle feature?

  3. Sleeves & Onaholes - Filter on Weight Please?

    Set all the filters I could and started shopping. Maybe I'll find something interesting? Though I'll probably end up going with my tried and true fave. 258 results. Scroll, scroll, scroll. 80% of these

  4. Green checkmark (you've bought this) is missing

    This has been happening to me for a while intermittently. That green checkmark is missing for me on everything. Is there a setting to keep that enabled?

  5. What are some of the “Free Gifts” you get from the FG50 coupon?

    Title kinda says it all. I’m thinking about buying something a little under $50, and was wondering if it would be worth it to add some smaller things to my cart to use the coupon.