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  1. Can only pay with Paypal, is it temporary?

    I was trying to buy something, kept denying my card and then it kicked me out, now it only gives me the option to pay with Paypal, is it a punishment of some kind? It's been nearly 3 days now, kept refreshing,

  2. Payment methods not showing.

    Paypal is the only payment method that shows up, clicking on it does nothing either... it's impossible to checkout as of now.

  3. [Resolved] What does it mean when trying to checkout an item I get an internal error?

    I get an internal error everytime trying checkout an item that is clearly stated in stock on the site.

    Message I get:
    'Internal Error. Details are available in Magento log file. Report

  4. What makes you choose ToyDemon over other competitors?

    I'm just curious as to what makes you choose ToyDemon over other sites.
    ToyDemon is my Go-to site, I use them over other sites due to the nice easy to navigate design, free shipping on orders $35+

  5. Additional Info Edit

    I was hoping there was a way to edit the additional info (maybe before the order has been processed will be it editable).

    I accidentally wrote discrete packaging instead of discreet packaging.