I recently made a special order. For those of you who don't know ToyDemon allows you to place a special order for products (not lotions) that they do not have in stock. You can do this by going to the top right of the page and under "Contact" click "Special Order"

It'll ask you to fill out some basic information specifically:
The Zip code you'll be shipping to
A URL to the product (This can be a link to any website that sells the product you want and does not have to be an official product page on a manufacturers website.)
and any additional comments you may add.

ToyDemon will give you a reply shortly essentially telling you that they have received your request and they will check to see if they are able to acquire the product for you.

Some products may not be able to be acquired by ToyDemon. the primary reasons for this are due to "problematic artwork" or product being discontinued by manufacturer.

Personally I recommend you give it a try anyway even if you think there might be an issue, worst case scenario they say no, you don't have to pay anything until you've agreed to the price provided to you.

Which actually conveniently Segways into the next step of the ordering process!
If ToyDemon is able to acquire your order they will give you a price, this is going to be the price you pay, it's not an estimate it's the price that you will pay.

In my case and I imagine in most cases the price was significantly cheaper than all other stores which shipped to the U.S and stocked the product. It cost me about $37 on other sites and ToyDemon charged me about $47. Now you're probably thinking "Jonarby have you lost your marbles $37 is less than $47" and you'd be right, however the $47 ToyDemon would charge included the shipping where as the $37 did not and all other sellers charged over $60 to ship to the U.S.

Once you're given a price you'll also be told special orders are non-refundable and once you pay you commit. Once you consent to that the ToyDemon staff will get back to you with a link that you can go to and add the special order item to your cart. and perform checkout as normal.

The transaction finished Jul 7, 2020 and the Item arrived Jul 29, 2020. Shipping with special order items takes awhile since it has to ship from the manufacturer to ToyDemon and than to you. Item arrived as expected and I'm very happy with my order and I highly suggest anyone looking for an item that is not in stock to try the special order functionality.