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Papi ( 207 )

Was trying to find something for one of my girl-friend as a gift in the vibrator section but seems like the selections are limited compared to all the onahole toys yall have. Will you guys be carrying more toys for girls in the future??
**ToyDemon** ( 10239 )

We have carried female toys through the years but due to the majority of our visitors being guys we have focused mainly on Onaholes. If you guys would like to see more female products on here we will be slowing adding them back in to the mix.
fenrirdies ( 166 )

There are literally hundreds of sites for female toys though what's the point? You can go on Amazon and literally find thousands you can get with 2 day shipping. The only time I've ever gone to a sex shop there were literally walls of dildos and vibrators and a sad single shelf of garbage American toys and like two disposable tengas that were so over price you could get a mouth of truth for the price of what would cost you $10 on Amazon.