
I am fairly new to TPE toys, but not that new. I am also a clean guy myself, maybe above average after reading the doomsday texts on mold. I am in no way the pinnacle of toy cleanliness and I have still not seen mold.

I have had my oldest toy for close to a year. I have used it and left it sloppy for upwards to a week, a handful of times (I am not proud of this). I have used my hip and left it sloppy for 2-3 days. The hip is the only thing where I experienced a fish smell afterward. I assume the lack of ventilation is what did it. But, still no mold.

I would give my toy cleaning a C+ since I do not clean them before use (doubt many do) and because I have never cleaned them in a timely manner after use. I do use white vinegar in my cleaning process.

Does this mean mold is kind of a random thing or only seen under certain conditions?

Has the use of vinegar been staving off possible mold?

The only burning/itchy sensations I have ever felt are due to different lubrications, but bacteria could have been a possibility. I read mold can grow in as little as 24 hours and it's still a mystery to me. My penis has to be antibacterial.