
Nickname: mouinnai
Contribution:  16
Member Since: 04/03/2020
Member Level: Silver
# of Orders: 4
# of Products: 11
# of Reviews: 3
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 1
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  1. No more free shipping over $125?

    Is there no more free shipping over $125? I tried to checkout an order over $125 but still need to pay for the shipping. I live in CA btw.

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  1. Heavens Fall Nine

    The texture is something totally different from others. Instead of use thick material wall to create the suction and pressure, this one uses a structural solution to simulate and the performance is one of, if not the only, the best sleeves I have ever hard.

    The pressure and texture inside is fantastic. Just get one for yourself!

    Due to the special structural, maybe the durability won't hold long. But who cares, just buy a new one!

  2. Manta Moss Green

    *Only about individual use*
    *Lotion is a must for this thing*
    I have read so many good words about this thing and its company, and then I expect for great performance from this little expensive gadget.
    Then I ordered and got it on my hand and used yesterday. And it hardly meets my expectation. The vibration is decent but not so triggering as my own hands. I can feel that it tries to simulate the real motion of slow but tactile feeling with high frequency vibration but clearly the result is not satisfying. However, after I moved it up and down, I do find it can deliver sensation on some spots if you just hold it there, and that sensation is pretty unique, you can't achieve that with hands.
    If I were asked to recommend it or not, I would sat it depends on your curiosity and interest. It is not like other elec onahole but it is not something groundbreaking and outstanding.

    Build quality seems good. Operation is simple enough. May perform better with clear handling.

    Not much sensation

  3. Student Council President

    it is my first anal one. not gonna recommend to others but you can try if you really want to taste this different feeling. personally I am not a fan

    Too tight at entrance, too nothing inside

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