
Nickname: SycPuppy
Contribution:  51
Member Since: 05/23/2022
Member Level: Gold
Achievements:   Written 10+ ReviewsWritten 10+ Reviews Owns 25+ ProductsOwns 25+ Products
# of Orders: 9
# of Products: 30
# of Reviews: 13
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 3
Circumcised:  No
Length (in.): 6.74
Girth (in.): 5
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  1. Looking for a good balance between Softness and good suction.

    Trying to find soft OnaHoles with good suction, been through the inventory dozens of times in the last 72ish hours and will probably keep having the problem where reviews say one is loose then the next

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  1. Moshinaka

    This is my main. Witch's Temptation, Shy Mermaid and Erotic Maid Servant being my other favorites, It's hard to beat a $16 one that after using 10+ times a week for 20-50 minutes each time for a year and a few months and always flipping it inside out to clean it and it isn't showing signs of wear.

    Borderline indestructible, unless you get one with a defect you are going to actively work at destroying it.

    Strong stimulation without shredding you to pieces.

    It's far from the best but IMO the price, durability and level of stimulation makes this one of the best value ones you can get sub $60. The amount of wear I put on the one I have wears out a Tenga FLIP ZERO and a FleshLight within the same time span.

    I have joked that this will be around longer than me, but it probably will be.

    This thing is tight but it does stretch well.

  2. Masochistic Vampire Arune Sad Love

    Got "Masochistic Vampire Arune Trance" first then ordered this to compare them. This is tighter, softer and has lower suction compared to Trance. IMO Trance is a little bit better, mostly that having to do with my being a bit above average and this is tight to me and requires a bit of force to use. This likes to suck lube inside so uses more lube than Trance from my experience. Trance on the other hand is designed to not do that but has around 2 inches before you reach the textured part as a consequence. The texture in this is finer than Trance by a little bit and this has small nodules that stick out while Trance has large ones that stick out.

    Cheaper than Trance.
    Tighter than Trance.
    Mellower than Trance.
    Really easy to clean.
    Softness to Durability ratio is good.
    Box Art.

    Not the greatest for above average people.
    Same as Trance, has air bubble imperfections.
    Mellower than Trance.

  3. Masochistic Vampire Arune Trance

    Bought this originally then waited until after I got "Masochistic Vampire Arune Sad Love" so I can compare them. The texture on Trance is a bit different from Sad Love, this has large nodules that stick out on the inside and the pattern inside is a bit bigger, this feels a little bit rougher than Sad Love but is not as tight and has good suction making it form to you for better stimulation. This also has the benefit of not trying to suck all the lube inside, this in my experience takes less lube than Sad Love. IMO Sad Love is good for around average or lower while Trance is good for around average and up since it is bigger in every way and doesn't try to vacuum all the lube inside. Planning on getting one more of these since it is one of my favorites.

    Good for Average and up.
    Good Suction.
    Rotation and internal pressure can change the feeling quite a bit.
    Competes with things that are $10-$30 more.
    Box Art.

    Part of the reason I say people probably want to be on the bigger size, it's about 2 inches to the textured part of this.
    Off center making the top thinner and this has imperfections from air bubbles.

  4. Renzoku Zetcho Kari Nameru

    I can rub away the material with my finger it is so soft. Very sticky, very smelly. If it didn't smell and was made out of a higher quality and firmer material it would have been a 5/5 for me, something closer to "Venus Real Soft" or "Real Hole Raw Saika Kawakita". I can press this against my hand and have it still sticking to my hand in some places after I have pulled it over an inch away, it's that soft and sticky. Zero stars based off of how the material feels but still give it a few for the actual internal design and Box Art. More like 6/5 for the Art and internal design and concept then subtract 4 for the material... Hope someday they make a better version.

    The Box Art.

    The actual toy.
    This doesn't feel soft, it feels gooey...
    Washing and powdering it made it feel weirder.

  5. Virgin Matchless

    I like it for the Box art and is the only reason I bought it. Also the only toy I ever bought just for the Box Art.

    Box Art.
    Amusing gimmick.

    I'm too big and sensitive for this, just feels like hard rubber to me.

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