
Nickname: Ok929
Contribution:  198
Member Since: 12/28/2023
Member Level: Gold
Achievements:   Earned 100+ UpvotesEarned 100+ Upvotes Written 10+ ReviewsWritten 10+ Reviews
# of Orders: 5
# of Products: 24
# of Reviews: 19
# of Topics: 2
# of Comments: 23
Circumcised:  No
Length (in.): 6.5
Girth (in.): 4.5
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  1. Do you enjoy soft or hard onaholes?

    Just a quick poll because I've been wondering how popular one or the other was.

    If you'd like please comment what your favorite soft/hard onahole is, or if you enjoy both share your favorite

    Do you prefer Soft or Hard Onaholes?

  2. Looking for Hip Recommendations

    So after trying 7 or so different onaholes and the Meiki Plush Hip, I'd like to experience a hip that is more realistic(?) than using the Meiki Plush Hip. I'd like for it to be bouncy and allow me to hear

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  1. Time Manipulator's Atelier Onahole

    This onahole has two different holes that allow for two entirely different experiences.

    One of the holes provides an incredible suction, whilst the other is loose, but they both feel amazing. It is a bit short for me but just barely. It's also incredibly easy to clean for what it is.

    Two for the price of one
    Good Suction


  2. Meiki® Plush Hip

    The Meiki hip perfectly fits all of my onaholes, and is really nice in some positions. However, when using positions other than doggystyle, missionary, and a few others, it just doesn't work. But in those few positions where it does work, it's incredible.

    Now for the price, $130 feels like a bit much for what it is. Maybe if the legs were adjustable it'd be worth that much but as it is, I'd consider it worth it if it was priced at around $80.

    Great in Doggy Style and MIssionary
    Fits pretty much any onahole

    Hard to Store

  3. Student Council President Virgin

    This was my first hard onahole. I've found that I'm not a fan, it's just too rough. Also I dislike how short the tunnel is, so you're forced to re-enter the cervix every time and it's very uncomfortable for me.

    Update: 05/03/2024

    Updating my review, after using this hole more I definitely have come to like it more, the only downside that still annoys me is just how short the length is if you don't enter the cervix each time, which personally I'd rather only do that once in a while.

    Very Hard, If You Like That.
    Very Tight Entrance

  4. Gal Zanmai Thick Wrap Blowjob

    This is my favorite onahole so far. It's somewhere between soft and hard, but it's perfect. Easy to clean. Loud, but the sounds it makes are good.

    Easy to Clean
    Nice Sounds


  5. Ride Japan lotion 400ml

    My only other lube was the Onatsuyu Lotion and this was a bit thinner, but I didn't feel much difference. However, the nozzle for this lube is a million times better.

    Amazing nozzle


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