
Nickname: Nocthousand
Contribution:  16
Member Since: 11/13/2023
Member Level: Silver
# of Orders: 1
# of Products: 1
# of Reviews: 0
# of Topics: 3
# of Comments: 2
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  1. DHL (My delivery system) is asking for info

    Hi, I recently bought a product here, after a bit the customs sent me a message asking for the type of item they are shipping and idk what I have to tell them, do I have to be very specific or is there

  2. Can only do express shipping

    Hello, I'm new to this and I've tried buying a product, I've noticed that the "express shipping" option is selected by default even tho I'm fine getting the product later, if possible is there a way to

  3. Custom Maid Ju-C controller

    Hi I'm new here, I saw that there's a Custom Maid Ju-C lip controller here but it's discontinued, I actually bought a copy of the game somewhere else but it didn't come with any controller, so is there

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