
Nickname: Greenwood95
Contribution:  594
Member Since: 11/30/2013
Member Level: Platinum
Achievements:   Earned 100+ UpvotesEarned 100+ Upvotes Written 50+ ReviewsWritten 50+ Reviews Owns 50+ ProductsOwns 50+ Products Left 100+ CommentsLeft 100+ Comments
# of Orders: 29
# of Products: 73
# of Reviews: 67
# of Topics: 9
# of Comments: 170
Circumcised:  Yes
Length (in.): 6.5
Girth (in.): 5.5
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  1. Onahole History?

    This is meant to be more of a discussion starter than a declarative post about Onahole history.

    I was idly thinking about what it must be like to work for one of these onahole companies.

  2. Onahole repair?

    So we've all been there in one way or another. You have a favorite onahole that's developed damage- a tear or hole. Either you can't afford to replace it soon, the onahole has been discontinued so it

  3. How long do your onaholes typically last?

    Just curious. It seems there's no clear one-size-fits-all answer here as longevity of an onahole seems to depend on durability of the make/model, how often (and roughly) one uses it and how well it's cleaned/maintained

  4. Will the Miracle Angel Hip ever be stocked?

    Just want to say I think its great to see so many new varied size/price point breast and Hip/butt toys being offered lately here at Toydemon. Thanks for that.

    With this great influx of

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  1. Venus Real Very Soft

    Having tried the Soft and Regular versions of the Venus Real I'd put this one at 2nd place for firmness. Soft is still my favorite overall. But that said this one is very nice. The extra softness adds a certain realism to it like a milf pussy. It's extra subtle so the sensations creep up on you more. Like others have said it's great for longer sessions to really ease in and enjoy yourself, great to control your orgasm and enjoy a long a ride. Easy to pace it to hold off humming. But you can also bring on the speed and it will make your toes curl when you do lose it.

    Great for longer sessions
    Subtle realism

    Bad if you need higher stimulation.

  2. SILKY LUBE 360ml

    Similar to the INSOMNIA certainly similar bottle shape and size. Lube itself is good. A little less stringy than Insomnia. Much thinner so I find it's good if you want to feel more subtle textures. but it also dries out faster and I find I have to relube more often with this one. The plus and minus bring this to a good not great lube.

    Great for subtle onaholes with thinness

  3. Tenka Ikketsu

    Had this on my wish list a long time Finally pulled the trigger.

    Very sexy box art. I'd describe this as a mid range Onahole. Not quite as thick/meaty as a standard Meiki or the Tomax Venus series but it delivers great value.

    Material is soft but not overly so. Interior is dual layer and firmer. You can really feel all the textures and nubs inside, a lot of variety in the chamber and the final uterus is nice but not as pronounced as the Lilith Uterus. The on a is one of the longer ones I've encountered in terms of the tunnel. So longer/well endowed guys should be happy. It's one off the rare ones I don't bottom out inside easily.

    Firmness and texture make this on the higher end of Stimulation for me. very comparable to the Erotic maid Servant, and ExTrip Haruna Hana. But more affordable than either of those.

    Recommended. Nice box. Came with standard sample of lube and no other frills.

    Great length- perfect for more well endowed guys
    Great texture and firmness, higher stimulation
    Great price/value


  4. Lilith Spiral-Wave Rich Soft

    So I tried the Spiral wave in Reg and Soft and recently Very Soft. For me Soft was the winner. Reg was too stimulating and even chaffed me down there. I found after a long time even Soft could leave me a little raw lube depending. Very Soft for me is the goldilocks. Still stimulating and soft but not too rough. So I thought I'd try Rich Soft too.

    So decided to try the Rich Soft and .... it takes a LOT longer to kick in. It still sneaks up on you all nice like the others. and with the right lube you can get in a nice groove with it. The extreme marshmallow softness does really engulf and envelop you like most ones do not. Similar to the Very Soft, it's more of a pleasant gentle buzz or humm for your cock that will get better and better and make our toes curl when you finally release. It resembles a blowjob with a tongue swirl but overall this is its own beast. Not realistic just very nice.

    No danger os overstimulation or chaffing. I think for me Very Soft gets my ultimate vote for best version of this sleeve. Rich falls to being my 3rd favorite but I want to play with it more with different lube amounts to see if I can find a better sweet spot

    Like all tomax products I have so far no tearing or defects.
    Came in the standard box with plastic tray and sample insomnia lube packet.

    Great for edging
    Amazing for those who like a super soft engulfing ride

    May be too soft/non-stimulating for some

  5. Lilith Spiral-Wave Very Soft

    So I tried the Spiral wave in Reg and Soft. For me Soft was the winner. Reg was too stimulating and even chaffed me down there. I found after a long time even Soft could leave me a little raw lube depending.

    So decided to try the Very Soft and .... it takes a little longer to kick in. it's more of a pleasant gentle buzz or humm for your cock that will get better and better and make our toes curl when you finally release. It resembles a blowjob with a tongue swirl but overall this is its own beast. Not realistic just very nice.

    So far no overstimulation or chaffing. I think for me Very Soft gets my ultimate vote for best version of this sleeve. Decent suction but not as strong as Reg or Soft.

    Like all tomax products I have so far no tearing or defects.
    Came in the standard box with plastic tray and sample insomnia lube packet.

    Really great build up sensation.
    Softness is nice feels like a nice tongue bath


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