Nickname: CM
Contribution:  15
Member Since: 09/20/2016
Member Level: Platinum
# of Reviews: 1
# of Topics: 2
# of Comments: 1
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  1. Onatsuyu Lotion Severe Allergic Reaction

    So I've been using this lotion since it was first created, many, many years. It was the perfect lotion, until maybe a couple years ago they changed the formula for it and recently just changed the picture

  2. Softness-type what is this called? For Meiki no Syoumei No 6 and Horny Beauty Nanako Mori NPG

    Hey so NPG makes a fantastic level of softness with these 2 onaholes. I am not sure what this softness rating is called, but they use it on their 2 onaholes for Meiki no Syoumei No6 and Horny Beauty Nanako

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  1. Meiki® Bliss Lotion 250ml

    I have been a long time user of this lotion. However, recently the ingredients on the bottle changed. They added "Propylene Glycol" and some took out some other ingredients.

    With this new version, I am getting severe allergic reaction. I have tested this on other parts of my body and I'm getting redness, swelling, inflammation, and irritation all throughout.

    Has anyone else been facing these problems?

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