ToyDemon Bulletin

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  1. *Fixed* FedEx Hold at Location not working

    Hi all, seems like FedEx is having a bunch of issues lately as now we cannot access their Hold at Location information.

    So if you'd like to hold at some FedEx Location for pickup, please

  2. FedEx tracking is not displaying on the website

    We have noticed that our system is having trouble pulling the tracking updates from FedEx's system. Please use your tracking number on Google or for the latest update on your transit.

  3. **Issue has been resolved** Emails to and are being rejected

    We are having issues with sending email to and Not sure if it's the newsletter that caused it or the users marking it as spam that caused this. But currently even our order confirmation

  4. Community Achievement is now live!

    By now, some of you should have received numerous reward points emails telling you that you have received additional points based on the achievements that your account has accomplished.

    Let us know what you think of the achievement system

  5. **OVER** October 2024 Giveaway #48 - What is on the #1 on your next to buy list with BF coming up?

    First, sorry for the delay of the October Giveaway, we were busy with some website stuff and personal stuff so did not get a chance to start the new giveaway until today.

    As some of you

    How many onaholes have you purchased this year?