Hi, so first a lil bit about myself:
I only had Fleshlights and one toy of which I do not even remember the brand.
The FLs perform...fine. Nothing too special really. In fact I am growing kinda bored of them.
So recently I was checking out european online shops if there's anything new that caught my eye, only to get bored by most of it. It's all just straight tunnels with different crazy textures in them. Good quality but that's about it.

Somehow I then stumbled across the Onahole market and I knew I had to do some research. Said and done.

So what am I looking for?
1) Durable. I'd hate for something so expensive to break after only a few months.
2) Realistic, so soft and light on texture
3) A bit of grip around the entrance would be nice
4) A curved tunnel sounds like a nice change from Fleshlights.
5) Sidenote: A cameltoe front would be nice, but not necessary

ZXY: Generally good, it's costly and the reviews have grown less positive throughout it's iterations. Specifically the durability and quality issues worry me. Are there other similar ones that are either more like the original ZXY and more durable? Judging by comments, the "Tsukasa Aoi" or "Sarah" seem like options, right?
Also a question about the dual layer. Is the outside firmer and the inside softer or how does this go?

Venus Real rich soft: Cheaper than ZXY etc, presumeably more sturdy and also pretty good.
Puni Virgin 1000 Fuwatoro: Basically the same as the Venus, but I heard it has a nicer "grip" on the entrance, which does sound nice and the 1kg weight might be neat too.

The grip around the entrance feel kinda caught my eye. does anyone know if this is specific to the Fuwatoro or doe the others mentioned also do that? Or are they even tight or loser?
As usual, if there are others I should check out, let me know.