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  1. What toys have you got your eye on?

    Howdy y'all!

    I started a similar topic a few months ago, but I figured I'd ask again. What products are you excited about? What specifically have you loaded in the cart and are waiting to

  2. Feature Request: Wish List Sorting Options

    I imagine this is something that the TD team has already looked into, but I wanted to directly ask about wish list sorting options. With the direction the community aspects are going and the 8 product

  3. Free Shipping sucks!?!? What's your experience?

    So someone emailed and asked if we pack Free Shipping orders differently because they read somewhere that ToyDemon's Free Shipping orders are often packed with less material and not discreet at all.

  4. BSG General OnaHole Guide

    05/04/2024 1.0 Start
    05/06/2024 1.1 Fixed a few typos, reworded a few sentences, added more to history listing other toys that I bought before returning to the states, added new section “How I R

  5. Community Achievement is now live!

    By now, some of you should have received numerous reward points emails telling you that you have received additional points based on the achievements that your account has accomplished.


    Let us know what you think of the achievement system