
Nickname: wanderingmidget
Contribution:  289
Member Since: 03/24/2016
Member Level: Gold
Achievements:   Earned 100+ UpvotesEarned 100+ Upvotes Written 25+ ReviewsWritten 25+ Reviews Left 25+ CommentsLeft 25+ Comments
# of Reviews: 37
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 75
Circumcised:  Yes
Length (in.): 7
Girth (in.): 5.5
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  1. Onahole (and other sex toy) "lifehacks"

    I figured we could use a topic about experimenting with strange/unorthodox methods to make the experience better. I didn't come up with the two I will mention myself, but here goes.

    1. Mason

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  1. Dolphin Hard

    It's barely different than Dolphin in regular. After owning the regular for quite some time, I wanted to see if there were any differences between the hard version and honestly, there isn't enough to make one better over the other. Don't fret so much if either one is out of stock; just buy what's available.

    Besides that, it's a great, unique hole with the "uterus chamber" gimmick going on, providing a nice popping sensation on your head area. Unlike other similar products, it's a lot more durable and accommodating so it will last a long time. Best as an additional hole for a different feeling than something to be your first hole.

  2. Kaku-Meiki Mimizu 700

    Unlike many products, the 700 doesn't stand for the number of grams the thing weighs (it weighs 500g), but the amount of folds inside the tunnel. Supposedly it's 700 of them consisting of bumps, ridges, waves and etc.

    The product is one-half purple and one-half clear. Contrary to many other clear products, the back half of this toy isn't hard. It's only slightly firmer than the purple part, and the purple front half is very soft so overall it is a soft product. It manages to hold itself together fairly well.

    The feeling of the hole is all about subtlety. No one part will stand out from another. Since everything is soft and subtle, it feels like something is gently slithering and sliding against you. The distribution of the weight is good and the tunnel length is also good. But keep in mind that this isn't a bully in any sense of the word.

    Some issues include that the outermost layer of the purple part is already starting to peel one week after owning it. It doesn't affect the way it is used because the peeling is more like "shedding skin". A small purple inner piece also came off after about a dozen uses so I'm sure the purple is gonna give eventually before the clear does.

    In regards to smells, it has a chemical smell, but it isn't intoxicating. The smell will probably linger on your hands after cleaning/drying so you'll need to wash your hands again after the deed.

    Overall, if you like gentle products and taking your time, it's a good purchase in spite of the price range. Don't get this if you need more than a "soft stroke" in terms of stimuation.

  3. Summoner's Atelier Onahole

    So this is the third entry to the "Atelier" series that Toysheart have been going at. The Alchemist was pretty fun, but the Astrologer left much to be desired.

    The Summoner has an element gimmick going on with it, which I'm not to sure how that translates to an onahole but whatever. The most notable aspect is the neat outer design. I say it has the best exterior aesthetics out of the three by a large margin. It's pretty easy to hold on to due to the slight curvature.

    Summoner isn't very firm like Alchemist and Astrologer. It's pretty soft compared to the two. For the interior, the most notable aspect is large warts near the entrance and the back end. They feel very nice to pass through as the large warts are noticeable and the little markings on each wart end up feeling pretty simulating.. Summoner has a strong suction but not as strong as Alchemist.
    There are markings near the entrance that are supposed to represent water, fire, air, and earth. I guess the way you enter by seeing which one is displayed on top is supposed to give a different feeling, but to me it all fell the same no matter what angle I inserted.

    It has a small gap between the entrace and the actual tunnel but I never saw it to be an issue whether applying lube or cleaning or drying.

    I think I like this one the most out of the series. The element gimmick didn't work as intended but that's whatever. It's missing something just to skip a 5 star rating.

    Nice exterior aesthetics
    large stimulating warts
    good suction

    element gimmick didn't work as intended

  4. Yandere

    I've had my eye on this one for quite a while, mostly because of the unique dark pink color.

    So I took the plunge and bought it. The tunnel sure is interesting and it has a lot going on with it. It has some flaps near the entrance, some interesting sucker-looking things in the middle, and the cervix in the back. You'll feel the little line flaps the most while the cervix you'll feel the least. The variety in the feeling is rather nice, but the cervix in the back is kinda awkward as it doesn't always give the best suction.

    The stats in the colored chart say it's "hard" (red area) and "relaxing" (yellow area). I wouldn't exactly call it "hard", but it does retain its shape and can be somewhat relaxing at times. I'm not sure if I'd call it yandere-ish, but a concept like that is somewhat hard to translate into a toy, unless you wanna just strap a knife to it or something.

    Cleaning and drying can be a little bothersome due to the shape of the chamber in the back. A dozen or so uses, I'm noticing some tears around the entrance so it probably won't last a super long time. Not the best you can do for the price range, but it is good if you're looking for something with a lot going on and some give to it.

    Nice variety in the tunnels

    Price range doesn't completely reflect quality
    Cervix can be a bit of trouble or unnecessary

  5. Your Compliant Tsundere Nador Onadoll

    The name is kinda weird, and the exterior design is kinda simple, but the interior is what got me interested. It has this rose-pattern tunnel and it got me curious to how it felt.

    It feels like a bunch of waves passing on by. It's well constructed so the feeling is even all over instead of it focusing on one area and lacking in others. Like what other reviews said, it feels rather gentle at first and then picks up in intensity after a while. Not sure how that works, but it is how it goes.

    I like this one. It set out to do one thing and it accomplished that superbly. No gimmicks like uterus back chambers or winding tunnels or varying firmess. It's a straightforward onahole that feels good and is easy to use.

    The rose-pattern tunnels feel very nice
    even construction
    good price range

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