
Nickname: cachemoni
Contribution:  18
Member Since: 03/17/2020
Member Level: Silver
# of Reviews: 3
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 6
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  1. How much lube?

    I'm fairly new to using onaholes and I've always wondered how much lube am I supposed to use. I've done anything between a few small drops to drenching the entrance. Could someone share how much I "should"

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  1. Meiki® Bliss Lotion 250ml

    It's slick and you don't need a lot of it. Price is about in line with other lubes.

  2. USB Onahole Warmer

    It does exactly what it says. It warms up your onahole and that's about it. It's nice having it warm, but it's not gaming changing or anything to write home about. It's adds like +0.5 to the experience on a scale of 10.

  3. Julia +

    It feels good, very good. It sucks my shaft like no tomorrow. I was actually impressed by how much suction there was.

    But at the same time it's kind of unwieldy to hold due to its shape. After a couple of uses I noticed creases appearing along the back where the "spine" curves. It's also kind of annoying to clean due to the curved tunnel.

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