
Nickname: Rantaro
Contribution:  22
Member Since: 01/01/2020
Member Level: Gold
# of Orders: 11
# of Products: 15
# of Reviews: 3
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 10
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  1. How do I dispose unwanted/broken onaholes?

    I'm trying to find information about throwing away onaholes that are broken but I can't seem to find any.

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  1. La Bocca Della Verita

    MoT is regard one of the best and realistic toys from the community. After using it a bunch of times the I can understand the popularity of this toy. The stimulation I got was great even though the teeth looks scary it add a flare to the experience. Overall great toy and would recommend it.

    Soft, easy to clean and dry, overall stimulation is great.

    The quality of MoT is questionable feels kinda fragile.
    The teeth is not for everyone and might be the bane of this toy for others

  2. DNA Dry Stick

    I had a hard time drying my holes until I got this. It drys them fairly quick and cuts the time of drying a lot. I would recommend this for people that have hard to clean holes.

    Can make drying quick and easy

  3. TENGA Deep Throat Cup

    Tried this since I always see it on artworks. I can say it wasn't that satisfying. Sure the suction was great but I didn't feel that much sensation. Its better to save up for a better hole.

    Suction is great, budget friendly

    Not that much stimulation

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