
Nickname: Gareth
Contribution:  15
Member Since: 11/06/2020
Member Level: Platinum
# of Reviews: 1
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 6
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  1. Restocking Extreme Pleasure Hips 4th gen?

    I missed the last restock of EPH 4th gen last month since it was sold out in a day. I’m wondering if there’s any plan to restock it or the 3rd gen which I’m also willing to settle for. I own the Puni

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  1. Extreme Pleasure Hip Shinsei Fourth Generation

    I’m a big fan of her works but I find the quality of this lacking. Tear near the vaginal hole after my first session. Other than that I’m semi satisfied with my experience. It’s not as simulating as I wanted, given the positive it requires me to be in, but I still enjoyed it over a long session. If you can accept possibly flawed product and you’re into mild experiences then this could still work out for you.

    Firmness and size
    Not too stimulating, good for long sessions.

    Can be boring and tiring
    Quality not up to standards

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