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- Onatsuyu Pussy Juicy Lotion 370mlRating
Amazing lube that lasts a long time. It's subtle yet stringy and adds to the experience of using your ona hole. For the price you get a good bang for you buck compared to other lubes. Popular for a reason.
Amazing value
Kind of hard to apply to toys
- OVA Seika Jogakuin Kounin Sao Ojisan Student President Louisa RichterRating
This ona hole is very solid. It's really tight and has decent stimulation. The puffy lips are amazing to look at and play with. It's easy to clean and easy to dry which is a huge plus. It's great for short or long sessions depending on how fast you go. It's also amazing for edging. It has a nice weight and sturdy feel to it. I'm a inch above average girth and it was difficult to penetrate this toy. Lube is definetly needed, which sucks because thus toy drys out fast. Defiently one of the best A-One toys they've made.
Puffy lips
Nice stimulation
SturdyToo tight for some
Not for people with above average girth
Drys out quickly - Real Hip! Kuro Gal ShiriRating
This hip could've been phenomenal buy had some serious problems that turned me off from using it ever again. First of all it's a little too hard for my liking. Once I'm done with a session my member goes numb for a while. Second is the sensation is barely there. All you have to do to make this a five star hip is add a couple of nubs for pleasure, and make a soft version and it would be a 5 star product easily. I'd give it a one star but the looks of the ass and lips alone save it from that. The sensation isn't even on the lesser side, it some times feels as if your fucking nothing. At least the hip is durable and can handle a bit of roughness. Another major downsize is the price, definelty wait for this hip to go on sale to buy it. The entrance is also hard to get through even lubed up.
Amazing look
Can be used in many positionsToo hard
Needs more stimulation
Too pricy
Small entrance - Puni Virgin 600Rating
This was my first onahole purchase and as a newbie, it’s amazing. I’m just above average in both length and thickness and the Puni Virgin 600 felt great. It was noisy which i like but others might not. After two uses it did stretch out a little but that’s natural I assume. The ridges and insides add to the sensation and the suction is great. As a plus it came with a drying sponge which is nice. Overall a solid onahole and I’m quite satisfied with it being my first.
Not too heavy
Fits in hand comfortably
Appealing Design
Comes with drying sponge
Wears easily
Stretches pretty fast
Not for above average users
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