
Nickname: BingChilling
Contribution:  30
Member Since: 03/23/2023
Member Level: Silver
# of Orders: 4
# of Products: 5
# of Reviews: 1
# of Topics: 1
# of Comments: 21
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  1. How to properly store my TPE onahole during a month not using it?

    I am going on a trip for a month without my toy, but I don't want molds to grow inside it during this time. I am living in Texas, which is a hot and dry state. How can I properly store it for a month?

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  1. ToyDemon Dry Stick

    I am disappointing at it. I carefully stick it into my toy, and when I take it out after 30 seconds, I discovered that some blue powder sticks inside my toy, and I couldn't wash it off no matter how hard I tried.

    Update: 04/01/2023

    I am kinda disappointed at it. I carefully stick it into my toy, and when I take it out after 30 seconds, I discovered that some blue powder sticks inside my toy, and I couldn't wash it off no matter how hard I tried.

    Dry fast

    The dye falls easily

Stuff to try out - 10 items

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