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  1. PSA! Stop telling people to turn their onaholes inside out to clean them! It literally cuts the life in half and causes microtears.

    This clearly needs to be said because I keep seeing fools putting this in their onahole reviews. There is literally no reason to ever turn an onahole inside out with the exception that the onahole’s t

  2. what's your favorite thick lotion?

    I'm looking to try new lotion, having used onatsuyu for a long time I'm looking for something more, the only thicker lotions I know of are the tenga Mild/Wild bottles but there's only tenga Real lotion

  3. Looking for a good balance between Softness and good suction.

    Trying to find soft OnaHoles with good suction, been through the inventory dozens of times in the last 72ish hours and will probably keep having the problem where reviews say one is loose then the next

  4. Need help

    Hey guys,

    This is my first post ever so i don't know how thing work on here, ill just keep it short and simple.

    i'm male 5 foot 7 , small hand and my penis is on the smaller

  5. Is Black Friday Sale worth waiting for?

    As the title says, I'm wondering how products will be discounted during the Black Friday sale.

    Are products that are usually marked as "Sale" simply going to have a bigger % discount?