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  1. Community Giveaway #15: Meiki Plush of Choice for 3 Winners! "Masturbation during COVID?"

    Some of you may have noticed that the Community Giveaway has been on a hiatus just like Hunter x Hunter (Our favorite anime) but the wait is finally over! The Giveaway is now back like Monster Hunter Rise!

  2. Hip Buying Advice/Guide

    I see a lot topics start up regarding which is the best hip to buy. As an avid ashman and someone who spent a lot of time researching what hips to buy for myself I thought I'd break down the factors and

  3. Anyone tried the Monster Hunter Rise Demo?

    So it took me numerous tries to finally download it. I have not had the chance to play it yet, but I will definitely spend some time with it this weekend. For the few here that owns Switch and are MH fans,

  4. Monster Girl Quest onaholes

    Alright, here's what I was wondering. During the recent Black Friday sale here on ToyDemon I noticed an onahole that was for sale called the Monster Girl Quest - Alma Elma onahole. Unfortunately it was

  5. Unique feel onaholes

    Looking for some onas that aren't trying to be 'realistic' and provide a unique/different feel.

    Things like monster wet chimera, honey trap, and tomax dolphin seem interesting, and was hoping