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  1. Community Achievement is now live!

    By now, some of you should have received numerous reward points emails telling you that you have received additional points based on the achievements that your account has accomplished.


    Let us know what you think of the achievement system

  2. Opinions on a "tags" function.

    Many porn sites include a function to be able to search by certain tags. I personally feel like this would be a great way to improve the search function of this site while being not that hard to implement.

  3. What's the Most Realistic Anal Onahole? + My Experiences

    What's the most realistic anal toy? I have not experienced the real deal and my current partner does not want to experience it (completely understandable). From the reddit posts I've browsed, there is

  4. X-Lube- Any seasoned users on onas? Questions etc. Also, anyone that has removed smells from a toy.

    For those unfamiliar X-Lube comes to you as a dry powder and you then take the powder and create the lube of your preference. You can make it nearly water thin or so thick it's crazy and almost anything

  5. Scams, Fleshlights, sex dolls, and how I realized I should've just started here.

    This is mostly just me ranting, but with a few words of caution for anyone casually browsing this site.

    My History:
    Years ago I got a few fleshlights. I never liked them much, once