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  1. Community Achievement is now live!

    By now, some of you should have received numerous reward points emails telling you that you have received additional points based on the achievements that your account has accomplished.


    Let us know what you think of the achievement system

  2. BSG General OnaHole Guide

    05/04/2024 1.0 Start
    05/06/2024 1.1 Fixed a few typos, reworded a few sentences, added more to history listing other toys that I bought before returning to the states, added new section “How I R

  3. Scams, Fleshlights, sex dolls, and how I realized I should've just started here.

    This is mostly just me ranting, but with a few words of caution for anyone casually browsing this site.

    My History:
    Years ago I got a few fleshlights. I never liked them much, once

  4. I think there should be more (or really some) futanari onahip/torso options.

    We currently (to my knowledge after hours of searching) only have 2 options, which are both traps, don't get me wrong they are very cool and all, and I am glad they are there, but they are not quite what

  5. Is there a thread regarding Meiki Plush Doll compatability?

    I couldn't find anything, but is there a list of which onaholes work and don't work with the Meiki® Plush Doll (besides tomax, meiki, toysheart)? Would Lolinco Virgo fit or is that pushing the size limits?