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  1. Breast and hip recommendations

    So im about to drop about $200 on a daki cover of a waifu ive had since '08 and like any self respecting weeb I want to buy a breast toy to place in between the cover ant the pillow and a hip onahole for

  2. What's your shopping philosophy?

    As I decide what my next purchase will be I find myself debating the merits of quality versus quantity. Now, I'm a bargain hunter and I love to get a good deal, but at the end of the day I will pay good

  3. Understanding Onahole/Fleshlight Texturing

    Hello! I am quite experienced when it comes to Fleshlights, Onaholes, Bad Dragon penetrables, and pretty much everything you can put your dick into. It has taken me a while but I have gotten a fairly advanced

  4. Looking for Recommendations, tend to like soft onaholes

    Hey everyone I was curious if any had recommendations, after years of messing around with onaholes I've started to find that I have a favorite type and I think you would call it soft types. My favorite

  5. Hip Buying Advice/Guide

    I see a lot topics start up regarding which is the best hip to buy. As an avid ashman and someone who spent a lot of time researching what hips to buy for myself I thought I'd break down the factors and